Friday, October 25, 2019

Sai Lang Gammakhun Tanha Oil

100% Authentic

This powerful item we would like you to prove to try out.

Sai Lang Gammakhun Tanha Oil

Arjarn Phirum

Origin: Roi Et, Thailand

Year: 2560-2561 B.E. (2017-2018 C.E.)

This magical charm Sailang oil created in 7 wax moon, 7 full moon and total of full 7 months in Sai Lang methods consecrated by Arjarns, skilled Sai Lang occultist masters that you can apply to yourself.
Final blessing with the other 4 occultist masters joined in the ceremony and blessed for 7 daytime and nighttime in full Sai Lang katha.

Rating: 7/10⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
(There is a Hokkien saying “Beh Tahan” follow by “Dong Buay Tiao”)

Apply on self for being pleasant towards beholders and talkers.
Emanates strong direct affectionate effects on people.
A must have charmer tool for males and females.
Magically stimulates love and sexual feelings of a person.
Light them up with deep and hot sentiments achieving the exciting and overfilled love of each other.

Fully Sai Lang recipes created from herbs and sacred charm powder mixed with beewax made by 7 virgin ladies from 7 villages/province.
- Without any corpse materials!

In the past, occultists made such objects to elicit human desires of love and passion and consecrating with Sai Lang ingredients, methods and katha (mainly attractive, loving and passion in sex).

(prohibition: must not commit adultery).