Friday, October 25, 2019

Laotian Magic Nang Aok Taek Oil

100% Authentic from Laotian

Laotian Magic Nang Aok Taek Oil with wahn in bottle
Magical oil in fulfilling love

Master Soonyaa

Origin: Laos 

Year: B.E.2562 (C.E.2019) 

This oil suitable for people who like strong non ghost oil because the main ingredient is 100% from herbs (Wahn Dork Thong/Wahn Thaowan Long/Wahn Sow Long/Wahn Phaya Kai Daeng/ Wahn Saney Jan Daeng/Wahn Saney Jan Khow) mixed with holy Yant writing powders (Phong Ittije/Phong Pathamang/Phong Na Aok Taek) without any corpses. 

This Nang Aok Taek Oil has the name or meaning of a lady missed her loved one so much that her heart breaks with endless tears. 
This Nang Aok Taek Oil charming oil mixed with mystical Laotian substances which cannot be mentioned is one of the best love oil for binding the hearts of people not to forget you and is used to call the hearts of your lovers, prominent about romance for ones love, been singles in love and unlucky in love. 
Applicable for male and female by carrying along or anointing on self.

使用时先默念 ,
涂抹于双手触摸到对方 ,抱着对方拍三下肩膀 ,对方会听你话 ,直到回到你身边 ,让对方听从你的使唤 ,遵从你的意愿 ,为你付出一切! 千依百顺! 
另一半常在外偷吃或不喜欢回家,可以用此回家油涂抹于对方身上让他对你态度改变,帮助感情和合,化解紧张关系 让对方脑海时常想你,自动回家。