100% Authentic
Namman Saneh Ya Faed
Luesi Def
Samnak Ban Maha Larp
Origin: Ratchaburi Thailand
Rekease Year: 2559 (2016)
Size: bottle 2 x 4 cm
This oil Lersi iDef received Prai (spirit) essence from many teachers.
It is typical Prai Oil that many people look forward to owning.
Oil from spirit or Prai was properly brought and then mixed with Wanh 108 oil and Prai powder to increase the power.
makes people become attracted and easily give us mercy and help revealed by many users
*Every item has Prai (spirit) substance, but it is not dangerous to user.
*How to use:
*This wax is used only the owner NOT to share to anyone.
Cast a spell on the oil.
Then pray to the spirit in the oil for something. Finally, dab the oil on your forehead and left chest (heart).
*Do not use it immorally.