100% Authentic
1st Batch
“Thai Celebrities Secret Oil”
KB Chokchai
Wat Sawang Hora
Origin: Roi Et Thailand
Batch: Bucha Kru 62
Release Year: 25612(2019)
typical kind of many mystical substances mixed with sacred herbs
Strong power for charming, granting love and wishes upon your wishing.
A typical kind oil tested powerful among Thailand Celebrities devotees of KB Chokchai.
The first version of the first version of the collect all material, and cooked again on the day of the ceremony in end 2019.
Extreme typical Namman Prai by KB is used by Celebrities for love and attracting people.
Whoever owns this oil will become attractive in all ways like having unbelievable magical power with them.
Directions of Use:
Carry along or dab on target person without been spotted.
KB emphasizes user to be responsible for person you’ve dabbed and do not use his oil for adultery absolutely.