Tuesday, October 17, 2023

2nd World War Chueak Khat Ew


100% Authentic

B.E.2500 Chueak Khat Ew

2nd World War 

LP Chot

Wat Tano, 

Original: Bangkok Thailand

Release Year: 2500 (1957)


LP Chot created and strongly blessed this magical rope until the rope could move.

LP Chot created magical waist rope from shroud that the corpse have to died on Saturday and cremate on Tuesday. Moreover, the way to take the cloth from corpse is using the mouth to take. After that LP Chot took shroud to wash by rain water then LP Chot wrote holy Yant on the cloth. LP Chot ripped the cloth in small piece to knit in snake bone pattern that while knitting LP Chot spell Katha all time. 

His amulet that has the most experience is a protection magic waist rope (Chueak Khat Eaew). He was very famous in the Second World War era.


The waist rope he created was intended to give to the villagers, disciples and soldiers that especially have to go to war. When taking, it appeared wonderful invulnerability experience against dangersl and dangerous animals including defeatig the ghosts.

In the past, Wat Tano was a garden where had a lot of snakes.

Most villagers earned a living by gardening. Every time they entered the garden always wore this waist rope to protect themselves from snakes.

The construction of the protection magic waist rope, LP Chot used the shroud of casualty dead on Saturday and burnt on Tuesday. 

It is said that when removing the fabric from the dead body, it must be pulled from the body. When he had obtained it, then washed it with rainwater or dew.

Then tore the fabric into strips and then wrote the Yant character, knitted up to the head until the keel pattern.

During the knitting, LP Chot kept spelling and when finishing he chanted again. 

According to the history when the rope was being chanted, it could move back and forth. Sometimes put a rope in the fire. If the rope was not burnt, it was practical.

When everything finished, LP Chot gave it to the disciples to protect themselves in time of life risk.