Thursday, September 7, 2023

Look Krok Maeo Nawa Loha


Look Krok Maeo Nawa Loha

LP Khambu

Wat GoodChomPu 

Origin: Ubonratcha Thani Thailand 

Thai people believe Look Krok Maeo is great of lucky amulet that usually, cat will bear 4-5 kittens. 

Thai people believe if you can keep placenta of cat, you will get great luck and good things because the cat is eating its placenta. However, if you have Look Krok Maeo, you will get luckier and better things than keep the placenta because Look Krok Maeo is very hard to find.


this lucky amulet made from “Nawa Loha” (9 kinds of metal)

There is “Phong Phuttha Khun” mixing with placenta of cat to put under the amulet.

Powerful: Look Krok Maeo by LP KhamBu is superb of luck, charm, good business and progress.