Sunday, January 29, 2023

Mai Mayom Tai Prai Tok Namman Guman Kong Thong


100% Authentic

Guman Kong Thong

LP Rin

Wat Noen Bot

Origin: Phetchabun Thailand


This little boy is made of dying sacred Thai star gooseberry tree which is standing and dropping resin wood called "Mai Mayom Tai Prai Tok Namman". As this kind of wood is regarded as a very rare (said seen once in 100 years), strong magic substance to make an amulet more powerful magic.

Which Thais believe Mayom (star gooseberry) tree has power to attract people's liking because "Mayom" sounds like "Niyom" or "popular". 

LP Rin added more power by filling holy powder under Guman Kong Thong.


LP Rin had studied the subject of Guman from the top of Phanom Kulen Mountain, Cambodia. LP created Guman with the spell of Wicha a holy being (not ghost or evil being) until became magically alive (said to be able to appear in a human form talking to owner on full moon night.


LP Rin Guman to have duty to make whoever worships it to become a millionaire, rich, lucky, successful to do any project successfully, 

safe, do business well and gain good profits.

How to Use:

Place on the altar.

Offer a red sweet drink and snacks regularly. On the first day bringing home best to  light 16 joss sticks and ask guardian spirits to open way for Guman. 

Chant Katha and make a wish.