Thursday, January 5, 2023

Charming seed Look Sawad


100% Authentic

Look Sawad 

(Angel Charming Fruit)

Arjarn Pu Tone

Origin: Khon Kaen Thailand 

Release Year: 2564 (2020) 

Size: 1.5 cm x 2 cm 


 Look Saward is a mysterious wild fruit. It is a natural talisman that occurs in the deep forests. 

Person who takes must have magic or it cannot be taken because he might be harmed by tree angel who owns this charming fruit. Ancient people used to carry it when going to a girl and a man. 

The fruit is settled by a low angel, who enjoys the sensuality. So, it causes who carries to be easily loved by anybody who see and receive such great mercy feelings from others. In the past, some occult masters grinded this charming fruit into a glamorous, fast-result love powder that’s very rare these days.


Look Saward holds wonderful magical power on Metta (people kindness) and personal attractiveness. 

It can make you easily gain good feelings and support from everyone and look very pleasant towards beholders especially ones in the opposite gender every time you have this fruit seed.