Thursday, November 10, 2022

LP Long 龙婆隆 Phra Nak Prok Koom Pai Chana Sip Thit



Phra Nak Prok Koom Pai Chana Sip Thit

LP Long 龙婆隆

Wat Wiwekwayuphat

Origin: Ayutthaya Thailand

Release Year: 2561 (2018)


LP Long created and blessed Phra Khong by using LP Phring's method usingsoil with Takrut, Mai Jed See (7 holy colored threads) and a piece of LP's Jiwon (a Buddhist monk robe) and Mia Mak Powder.


Anyone who worships has powerful power in protection against harm, dangers and bad things, bringing peacefulness and turning bad destiny to good.

In fact, Phra NakProk is a Buddha image of people born on Saturday.

It is propitious for people on this day to worship Phra NakProk in order to enhance their life and fortune.