Thursday, November 10, 2022

龙婆隆 LP Long Ngob Nam Aoi



Ngob Nam Aoi 

(Richer and Richest Amulet)

Ngob Nam Aoi = round shape with 5 Buddha imprints and yantras.

LP Long 龙婆隆

Wat Wiwekwayuphat

Origin: Ayutthaya Thailand

Release Year: 2561 (2018)


LP Long consecrated Ngob Nam Aoi by using LP Phring's method with holy mass of sacred soils and auspicious herbs with Takrut, Mai Jed See (7 holy colored threads) and a piece of LP's Jiwon (a Buddhist monk robe) and Mia Mak Powder - all to increase magic powers.


Anyone who worships Ngob Nam Aoi will never be poor. 

Suitable for those who want to build a body to be rich, want to get rich quick, grow fast and get rich quickly, make a living fluently, money flows, enjoy money management, easy to buy and sell fluently, good business,

Money flows in like a strong torrent.