Saturday, September 17, 2022

Phong Saney Ya Faed 情迷和合粉






 - 这种爱情粉是由只有高棉神奇秘术的秘密特殊配方制成的。

 9种强力爱情粉、Look Saward爱情果粉,圣地苔藓等9种混合物。




 它可以激发感官的感觉,让爱人回来,让平淡的爱变成甜蜜的爱。 打算从尝过它的人那里获得爱。


100% Authentic 

Phong Saney Ya Faed

(Love Powder)情迷和合粉

Ajarn Ti Senior Sorcerer Charm Master 

Origin: Rot Et Thailand

Release Year: Before 2563 (2020)


- This love potion powder is created from secret special formula only by Khmer magical occult method.

Mixture of 9 kinds of powerful love potion powder, Look Saward powder (Love fruit), etc.


Strong Ability.

It can help to restore spouses love in several cases such as quarrels on trivial things, husband or wife goes on another person, and also fulfill the singles’ love, fix heartbreak, lovelorn and triangle love.
It can stimulate the sensual feelings, to make lover come back, make plain love to become sweet love. Intend to gain love from the person who has tasted it.

This powder has been experienced by many couples.
Can be used by all sexes (male, female and LGBTQ).


How to Use: 

Add to food for love one, Use to put in water for someone to bathe, or sprinkle under pillow of lover.


Pls not to use to harm others especially separating one's family and someone who is already has husband or wife.

You are not allowed to use this powder for adultery.