Saturday, July 16, 2022

Bio of Mae Suwanmaneerat


Mrs. Suwanmaneerat (Mrs. Wan)

 Wan is a 25-year-old good-looking woman (a local person, but can't reveal it). Wan, there are many men who come to admire.  Until one day, they come to live with the man they love.  consensus  Until Wan is pregnant And soon there was a reason to break up with the man while still pregnant with his child. But after a while Wan has a new man who is ready to take care of him with love and good care, including local children. It's not his son either. Maybe it's because of Wan's beautiful face.  In addition, Wan is a young woman with good character, good manners, diligent, and is a housewife. until this young man fell in love and got engaged, and the adults knew  But!!! This love can't last forever. Wan had an accident and died in a canal.  It was an event that no one expected to happen to Wan. Because of Wan's love life and family, everything is going well. But this love can't be separated even when times change There are still talks about strange stories. At the scene of the accident and there were people around, they met.  Come to see it from time to time. Nang Wan has left this world in  Tuesday and then have funeral on Saturday (with children) because they agree that it is a convenient day for relatives.

 Phra Ajarn considers that it is a material that must be based on the mystical texts, therefore it has been collected.  and told to bring it to the temple  Make merit with the templeWith the belief that Mrs. Wan still lingers from word of mouth and unnatural death who believes that he has not gone anywhere, still waiting for love  that death cannot take away  The creation of this time for the purpose of bringing factors together to build a prayer tower.  and other details that have not been completed  that still lacks a lot of factors I therefore consider that Phra Achan Anuwat has this mass of Mae Wan. Therefore, this set of materials was brought to create Khun Phaen Nang Wan.  By the teacher has thought to give it a beautiful name.  "Suwan Maneerat" for auspicious and meaningful and assign bigjook to build  and is solely responsible for

苏万曼尼拉特夫人 (万太太)

 万是一个25岁的漂亮女人(当地人,但不能透露)。 万,慕名而来的男人不少。 直到有一天,他们来到了他们所爱的男人的身边。 共识 直到万怀孕 很快就有理由在怀着孩子的时候与这个男人分手。 但过了一会儿 万有一个新男人,他准备好用爱和细心照顾他,包括当地的孩子。 也不是他的儿子。 也许是因为万的漂亮脸蛋。 此外,万是一位性格好、有礼貌、勤奋的少妇,是一名家庭主妇。 直到这个年轻人坠入爱河并订婚,然后大人们才意识到 但是!!!这种爱不可能永远持续下去。万发生意外,死在运河里。 这是万万没想到的事情。 因为万的爱情生活和家庭,一切都很顺利。 但这份爱即使时代变迁也无法分离 仍然有一些关于奇怪故事的讨论。 在事故现场,周围有人,他们相遇了。 时不时过来看看,囊婉已经离开了这个世界 星期二,然后星期六(和孩子一起)举行葬礼,因为他们同意这对亲戚来说是方便的一天。

 Phra Ajarn 认为它是必须根据神秘文本的材料,因此已收集。 并告诉把它带到寺庙 与寺庙一起做功德相信万夫人仍然在口口相传和非正常死亡中徘徊谁相信自己哪里都没去,还在等爱情 死亡无法带走 创造这个时间的目的是为了将各种因素聚集在一起建造一座祈祷塔。 以及其他未完成的细节 仍然缺乏很多因素因此我认为Phra Ajarn Anuwat有这么多的Mae Wan。因此,这组材料被用来制作 Khun Phaen Nang Wan。 被老师想过给它起一个美丽的名字。  “Suwan Maneerat”寓意吉祥寓意并分配 bigjook 来构建 并全权负责