Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Prai Lierd Oil By AJ Sariang


100% Authentic

Prai Lierd Oil 

AJ Pu Sariang

Origin: Surin Thailand

Release Year: 2558 (2015)

Size: bottle 1.6 x 4.5 cm


This oil comes from a dead pregnant woman (Phee Tai Thang Gom) that AJ Pu Sariang got under the bier while cremation. 

AJ Pu Sariang fed the oil with blood every Buddhist day. Moreover, he added rutting elephant oil (when male elephant in a rut he produces oil at his both temples and sexual organ) and Nang TaNee oil (spiritual oil). He stirred and put sacred beeswax and finally intensively spelt Katha until he felt sure oil received full power. 

**Power: draws good feelings from people and attracts them 

Example cases: getting kindness from boss, getting eyes from the opposite sex, more customers coming to the shop, etc. 

(Caution: Do not use for adultery absolutely.)

**How to use: 

Anoint the oil on your eyebrows, chin and forehead before going out or mix the oil with perfume and spray on your body. 


1. The first day you receive the oil, light 16 joss sticks and ask the guardian spirit for permission to get the spirit (in the oil) in the house. 

2. Do not have to offer the food, just call the spirit to eat with you when you are eating. 

**3. Should make merit for the spirit in the oil.