Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Lersi Ngung Marn Fan


100% Authentic

Lersi Ngung Marn Fan

Origin: Thailand / Cambodian


Lersi Ngung Marn Fan is very strong for sex appeal suitable for a man to attract women. Not only people, but this style of Lersi Ngung Marn Fan can draw customers and audience's attention. Furthermore, carrying this amulet can induce windfalls of money. 

“Lersi Ngung Marn Fan” (also “Lersi Ngung Ta Daeng” old man with red eyes) derived from Khmer magic. Although deemed as magic of sensuality, Lersi Ngung Marn Fan is powerful and quick way to reach the purpose on charm, love, wealth, protection against any danger etc.

Legendary, Ngung is known as strong for lust. 

It is good for devotees to carry when go flirting with someone. 

Some people also use Ngung to attract customers.

Some worshiping Ngung at home to protect / safe the family or children against any unseen disturbance.

It depends on the purpose of worshippers.

Ngung is believed to bring good luck, betting luck or gambling luck and also make owner easily gain compassion and compromise from people.

Ngung is also highly protective to owner.

Therefore, treat it with respect, do good create good deeds and follow the right methods.