100% Authentic
Khun Paen Prai
AJ Woraphon as known as AJ Best
The legendary of effective Prai maker
Origin: Chiangmai Thailand
Release Year: +/-2553 (2010)
The last batch Khun Paen by AJ Best and AJ Best created and blessed when he was a monk. He resolutely blessed alone in the graveyard for a period of time following magical method and invited spirits for ultimate power.
Intense materials of this amulet such as
1. Phong Prai 59 Ton Aj pleng boonyuen
2. Hairs and Bone ashes of casualties
3. Phong Prai LP Phina
4. Charm powders and herbs
5. Phong Sanae 7 Nang Fah 7 Thewada
6. Flowers from 108 templesgathered for only 1 day. Then dried and crushed into powder.
7. Scented charm oil
Back has stamp in red ink of Khun Paen image.
This Khun Paen by AJ Best is great of charming, sex appeal especially for men. Amulet can make owner so hot and popular among girls. Easily speak for something, get anyone’s pleasure, can do business well and have financial windfalls.
Directions of Use:
Hang on neck separately from Buddha amulets. Offer alcoholic drink once a week.