Saturday, January 8, 2022

Nang Apson Angel Statue

100% Authentic 

Nang Apson Angel Statue

Arjarn Daeng Prailong

Original: Thailand @Bangkok

Release Year: 2021 (2564)

Qty: only 69 pcs

Size: base 8.5 x height 14 inches

There are charms under statue: 

Prai oil, Nang Prai Ashes, Look Om and Takrut.


Nang Apson is a very beautiful lady Angel. 

She will bestow her believers the great power of charm, compassion from anyone and a lot of fortune. 

Good for all genders to worship. 

How to Worship:

Place on table or altar (if have Buddha image, must place this statue at lower level). 

Offer flower & water every day (if no time, can offer every Thursday once a week).