Thursday, August 12, 2021

2542 First Batch Phra Khun Paen Prai Guman with Silver Takrut and coated with Namman Prai from AJ Pleng Boonyuen



Year 2542 First Batch 

Phra Khun Paen Prai Guman with Silver Takrut and coated with Namman Prai from AJ Pleng Boonyuen. 

LP Rit

Wat Chonlaprathan

Origin : Thailand @Buriram 

Release Year :  2542 (1999) 

Size: 2.7 x 4.2 cm

Material :  Mysterious materials such as 

1. Phong Prai Guman of LP Rit (ashes of child dying on Saturday cremated on Tuesday) ** no backfire because LP Rit done proper blessed to cleanse all bad mysteries.

2. Phong Prai Guman of LP Tim

3. Phong Prai Guman of LP Tee

4. Phong Prai from Cambodia Gura

5. Herbs


This batch embedded with silver Takrut made by LP Rit to increase the power.

Also this batch is coated with Namman Prai of AJ Pleng Boonyuen intensive blessing by AJ Pleng Boonyuen, LP Rit and expert monks such as LP Key, LP Moon, etc. on the auspicious date


According to LP Rit, someone who wears this amulet will get the good luck, good fortune in business. Moreover, this amulet has power in especially powerful for opposite sex and metta (human kindness). People believe that Phra Khun Paen amulet by LP Rit have super power protect them from danger, enemies and to induce good luck.