Tuesday, June 1, 2021

White Lineage Salika Long Rang Oil

100% Authentic

White Lineage Salika Long Rang Oil

Luangpho Boonmee

Wat Sukharom

Origin: Thailand @Chainat

Release Year: 2564 (2021) 

Size: bottle 2 x 4.3 cm 


oil obtained from charm herbs only and with handwritten Takrut.


Love, Charm, Attraction, Increase Sale. 

Used for

- Dab on picture to make lover will dream/think of you and come to you / return or capture the heart of lover.

- Dab on shop Signboard or products to attract buyers. 

- Dab on lover’s skin for fascinating in you.

- Dab on your bodies for charming anyone else.

- Mix with water to bathe on Every Monday to prevent inauspicious things happening and bring good luck in.