100% Authentic
Nang Ying (pregnant lady spirit) Locket
Phra Arjarn Tay Charangsi
Wat San Makiang
Origin: Thailand @Chiang Mai
Release Year: 2563 (2021)
**Certificate of Authentication Card issued by Arjarn Tay.
Qty: 34 pieces
Nang Ying is a name of a young pregnant spirit who died in fatal accident.
Arjarn Tay made merit brought her spirit to help people.
Material: a picture of Nang Ying. Backside has holy mass of Nang Ying.
Ceremony: LP Tay properly held ritual to bless Nang Ying Locket.
Power: Nang Ying- She can help about love, fortune, protect from accidents and jobs to be smooth.
**For Fast & Effective Result, should make merit and dedicate to Nang Ying regularly.
If you want to succeed in wish soon, should promise her to reward cosmetics or whatever women like.
When you are successful, must keep your words that spirit will like and help you more.