Saturday, April 10, 2021

Saneh Ya Faed Non-Spiritual Love Potion Powder


100% Authentic 

Saneh Ya Faed

Non-Spiritual Love Potion Powder

Arjarn MaCia

Origin: Thailand @Roi Et

Release Year: 2563 (2020)


AJ MaCia consecrated with strong Khmer magic using only Love herbs without any Prai/ ghosts materials, so you can feel very safe from bad side effects.


This powder Saneh Ya Faed is well-known strong magic to gain love from someone, believed that with Saneh Ya Faed, that person will become so much infatuated in us and easily give what we ask for.

How to Use: 

AJ MaCia says we can use by putting in water for someone to bathe or sprinkling under mattress of lover.

Make a wish before using.

Tips for Strong Power: 

Mix the powder with the scurf from our palms to increase the power.

**Lersi MaCia created this love potion powder to help good person to be fulfilled in love. 

He does not allow user to use in bad ways.


製作開光此情降粉,裡面混合了三個國家的聖料 其中包含泰國、柬埔寨,老撾的法術法科植物藤蔓粉,製作時間大概 三年,裡面有師傅早年間走訪柬埔寨老撾求法時候收集到的聖料,數量非常稀少,


和合感情、挽回逝去的愛情、讓變心的對方回頭,重新上愛你、讓另一半更喜歡自己、離不開你、時常想念自己。 得到對方寵愛、陪伴,讓對方聽你的話。


將情降粉投入少許在酒 飲料飯裡面,給對方吃下去,注意不能加入清水中