100% Authentic
Prai Kam Aon amulet in Prai Oil
(Pregnant Woman Kam Aon Spirit)
**Prai Kam Aon is a name of lady who died while pregnancy.
For faster effective result, we should make merit and dedicate to her often.
Arjarn Mahakattai
Release Year: 2563 (2020)
Origin: Myanmar @Chiang Tung
Size: 2.5 x 3.3 cm
mystical mass mixed with ashes and oil of Prai Kam Aon the Burmese woman who died while pregnancy.
People believe soul of gregnant spirit is so strong because there are souls of mother and baby.
Ceremony: master
Ajarn Mahakattai proper sacrificed spirit with offerings and made merit to clean up bad mysteries.
Prai Kam Aon will help any desire of owner become successful.
She will bring luck, job achievement, increased sales and love depending on our wish to her.