Friday, March 19, 2021

To Curse Figure (Hoon Sab Chaeng) with Phong Atan

100% Authentic 

To Curse Figure (Hoon Sab Chaeng) with Phong Atan

Arjarn Per Salan

Origin: Thailand @Kalasin

Thai Year: 2560 (2017)

Size: 3.5 x 7 cm 


The Cursing Figure (Hoon Sab Chaeng) magical palm leaf with Phong Atan (Mystical powder mixed with bone ashes) 


This figure from palm leaf was well consecrated with powerful Khmer magic by Arjarn Per Salan. 

Use to curse people who treated you badly or enemies. 

Black magic powder to curses hatred of enemies.

This powder contains soil of 7 cemeteries. 

Powder and ashes Balance the lightning drought down, cursing the enemy characters.


This is dark magic. 

Please consider before using because it can cause sins. 

This kit is used to curse bad people. Remember it is not use to harm good people because it is sin and doer will be responsible for what he has done.