Sunday, February 14, 2021

Limited Namman Look Krok Guman 9 Ton

100% Authentic 

Limited Namman Look Krok Guman 9 Ton 

(9 stillborn spirits) Oil 

**This oil only benefits to owner without any backfire, it contains material from the deceased, so for effective result, owner should make merit and dedicate to the Spirits often. 

Arjarn Piyasitthi


Origin: Thailand @Chiang Mai 

Thai Year: 2564 (2021) 

Size: 1.8 x 5 cm (includes casing)

Material: consecrated Baby Ghost Oil or Namman Prai Look Krok which is hard to make mixed with bone ashes from 9 stillborn spirits that is very powerful material.

Power: “Look Krok” is a name of an infant spirit who was stillborn. 

People believe Look Krok can make the owner lucky, run business well and get a lot of profit.

Brings good luck, windfall of money, calls customers, fulfills wishes and warns of imminent danger.