100% Authentic
1st batch Ghost Powder Phong Kradook
Arjarn Som
Orgin: Thailand
Release Year: 2563 (2020)
There are many holy materials inside this Phong Kradook (spirit ashes).
Mysterious oil and ashes of a female suicide victim who died on the Saturday and cremated on Tuesday, soil from many places such as 7 Pacha ( 7 cemeteries) Soil, soil from 7 salt licks, soil from 7 markets soil from 7 brothel and 7 termite soil.
AJ strongly blessed for 7 days and 7 nights in the graveyard.
This Phong Kradook (spirit ashes) is very good for love attraction.
Carrying this amulet itself brings about strong charisma and ability to charm and draw the attention of the opposite sex.
Carrying this amulet itself brings about strong charisma and ability to charm and draw the attention of the opposite sex.
The wearer will possess immense charm and this Prai can also help the owner with attracting the desired person or calling back an ex-lover.
This Phong Kradook (spirit ashes) can also assist the owner with bringing more wealth, business, sales, career and many more.
Imagine this as a very strong spirit that can do everything and protect the owner from any kind of danger.
Imagine this as a very strong spirit that can do everything and protect the owner from any kind of danger.
This type of spirit is also excellent for bestowing sixth sense and whispering to the owner to tell what is about to happen.