Sunday, March 8, 2020

Thep Ranjuan Oil (Wai Kru Batch)

100% Authentic

Thep Ranjuan Oil (Wai Kru 58)
Wai Kru = praying respect to master

LP Nen Kumpeero
Wat Ban Kases Toong Setthi

Origin: Thailand @Roi Et

Size: bottle 2 x 5 cm 

Release Year: 2558 (2015)

LP Nen made this charm oil from Khmer magic he had studied. 
LP Nen held the ceremony to make the wax on 9 Jan 2558 (2015) at midnight in front of the big Brahma statue. 

Many kinds of charm herbs and oil mixed together.

-charm vines in the oil 
- Yant (magical symbol) written on the bottle by LP Nen 

High Charm that makes you gain good feelings from people and speak to people for errands successfully.