Sunday, March 1, 2020

Namman Nang Prai Yoni Yai

100% Authentic

Namman Nang Prai Yoni Yai

Arjarn InThong

Origin: Thailand @Trang

Release Year: 2562 (2019)


AJ InThong created this Namman Prai magical oil followed special ancient Cambodia method.
Namman Prai extracted oil from Nang Prai ( 49 dead women lower belly and yoni oil).
Kradook Nang Hong Prai bone and yoni ashes of 7 dead widow woman and 7 dead virgin ladies from 7 cemeteries. 
In addition, there are ashes from female corpses who died on Saturday and cremated in Tuesday mixed into this oil and charm herbs to increase the power.

The power manifested by real experience.
This magical oil contains strong charm in streak of sensuality. 
Whoever carries it along or dabbed will be successfully especially in love purpose. 
Easily said that who really wants to have a mate or sweetheart must see! 

The way to use this charming oil
You can worship this oil with two boiled eggs or incense lighting. 
If you are not comfortable to use the incense, you can peel the eggs, place them in the plate and place the water bottle to pray the magic spell before using it for auspicious time. 
Spin the spirit oil and pray Katha with name of someone you love. 
you can apply on your lover to make she/he to love only you. 
She/he will for in love you so much. 
Moreover, you can carry this charm oil with you to increase your charm and sex appeal. 

Tips: For love and sex , dab the oil on your chest or breasts , navel or lower belly.

Do not let him or her know otherwise this oil will not work. 
If the oil fulfilled your wish, please make merits to the spirits.





YONI符管使佩戴人在短期内提高个人魅力 吸引异性 大旺桃花 让男人心甘情愿为你花钱。
对感情方面也有很强的帮助 可避除对方对自己的不忠 花心以及感情上的诸多波折 令对方一心一意痴迷自己。对感情进展缓慢可促进发展速度。
对已经逝去的感情有挽回补救的功效 可令对方重新爱上自己 回心转意!


100% Authentic

Namman Phut Prai Dam

Batch: 1st batch

LP Prasit
Wat Pa Samakkheetham

Origin: Thailand @Khonkaen

Year: B.E.2554 (C.E.2011)

Namman Phut Prai Dam created from many sacred mass such as: 
LP Prasit extracted the oil from 3 dead women yoni, breasts, chin oil and lower belly oil. 
LP Prasit then mixed with powder from 9 corpses Panneng (forehead bone) and other charm oil such as
Namman Wahn Roi Paet
Namman Jun
Namman Saney Nang Prai and other wahn (plants)

Size: 2 cm x 2.5 cm

Ceremony: LP Prasit created this charm oil followed ancient Cambodia method and LP Prasit strongly consecrated with special magic.

Power: Namman Phut Prai Dam by LP Prasit has supernatural powers such as making owner to be more charm, sex appeal, attractive and success in love by you apply the oil on your lover body or cloth but before use please recite incantation. 

100% Authentic

TaKrut Maun (a variety of Thai song)

From: AJ Prakorng, Bangkok 

Material: Holy metal inscribed with powerful lust script roll with 

Year: 2009 (2552)

Size : 4.6 cm length

Origin : Thailand

Ceremony: Arjarn Pra Kaung studied magic from Pu Won who is the expert in the Incantation of Mon near Phra Pradaeng. Arjarn Pra Kaung likes to make the TaKrut. Also, AJ made and blessed Takrut one by one piece 

Powerful: The Takrut can help the owner to control lover and good relationship. 
The way to use the Takrut:
1. Gird around waist (not too tie) with red rope.
2. Make wish with Katha and think of AJ Pu Waur who is guru master of AJ Pra Kaung
3. When make love, try to rub the Takrut with sexual organ and belly of your lover.

How to use: Before use, every Buddha day or Tuesday you should make a merit and pray for Utid Suan Kuson to Vinyan Prai (praying for giving a merit to the spirits).

How to use Namman Prai: 
Spin the spirit oil and pray KaTha with someone you love. She will for in love you so much. Also, when you want to divorce with her. 
You should Namo three times and then “Nathorn-mothorn-phutthorn-thathorn-yathorn” for 7, 9,108 times for making a holy water and then give her drinks.

Presented: you can apply on your lover to make she/he to love only you. Moreover, you can carry this charm oil with you to increase your charm and sex appeal. By the way, if the oil fulfilled your wish, please make merit to the spirit to increase her power. 

mixed with oil from forehead bone, breast and yoni of woman corpse who died while pregnant. Moreover, LP Samorn mixed powders from bone of widow and virgin from 7 cemeteries. In addition, there are powders from corpse of who died in Saturday and cremated in Tuesday mixed in the oil to increase power.