Thursday, March 5, 2020

Khun Paen Kanchong Song Nang (The Mirroring Khun Paen)

100% Authentic

Khun Paen Kanchong Song Nang 
The Mirroring Khun Paen

Temple Wat Banpotsuttharam

Origin: Thailand @Phichit

Release Year: 2563 (2020)

Size: 2.5 x 3.8 cm

Wahn Maha Long (Ecstasy charm herb) with back embrace with 3 Silver Takrut. 

Mirroring Khun Pean whoever see you will not be able to control their mind. 
Mirroring Khun Pean will make them fancy, want to talk, want to see, able to negotiate business well with you or fall in your charm.
Even if you are average looking or not good-looking, but with this mirroring Khun Pean materials they will become gorgeous like Chao Ngoh turns into Handsome Prince. 

Also for the mirroring if someone thinks badly with us, the mirror on amulet will reflect bounds back bad treats on them magically. 

Officially lessed by 9 powerful magical monks:
1. LP Mahasurasak, Wat Pradu
2. LP Chamnarn, Wat Chinwararam 
3. LP Phring, Wat Sab Chomphu
4. LP Whan, Wat Klong Koon 
5. LP Khaek, Wat Banpotsuttharam 
6. Phra Theekathassimuniwong, Wat Tha Luang 
7. LP Phat, Wat Than Thahan
8. LP Pim, Wat Phrueksawan
9. Chao Khun Bowornrangsi, Wat Rakhangkositaram 
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu