Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Wahn Kai Daeng Oil

100% Authentic
Wahn Kai Daeng Oil
LP Teeyai
Wat Ban Sri Suk
Origin: Thailand @Khon Kaen

Year: 2561 (2018)

Size: bottle 2 x 4 cm
Wahn Kai Daeng means ‘Red Chicken Plant’.
It is a popular charm herb.
LP Teeyai used Thai Wahn Kai Daeng mixed with Burmese Wahn Kai Daeng into every bottle.
There is the story that someone applied Wahn Kai Daeng oil on a chicken and let it in the village.
All chickens in the village followed that chicken incredibly.
Whoever uses this oil will be loved and gain kindness everywhere he goes.
Katha for Wahn Kai Daeng Oil by LP Teeyai , Wat Ban Sri Suk , Khon Kaen Province:
Spell and apply on forehead for good feelings from everybody.
If wanting to sell well , apply this oil on the merchandise.
Moreover , it can be used with "Na Naa Thong" ceremony and anointing the buildings for auspiciousness.
Katha: ga - gi - gu/ gu - gu - sa - gu/ a - yang - yat - tha - nang/ na - ma - tang/ phut - tha - na - gu - gu. 3 times.