Wednesday, February 19, 2020

old Khmer method Namman Nga Saney Jan

100% Authentic

*old Khmer method Namman Nga Saney Jan (Khmer charming oil)

Arjarn Pu Rod (a 90 yrs old senior occult master)

Origin: Thailand @Ubon Ratchathani

Thai Year: 2562 (2019)

Size: bottle width 1.3 x height 3.8 cm

carry to be charming and appealing to people—good for easy contact for a job, selling goods, negotiation and courtship. 

AJ Pu Rod created this great blessed magical oil from 9 places by using old Khmer method. For this Khmer magical method AJ Pu Rod had  to invited only virgin lady to stirred the oil thruout the making and final ceremony of the oil, AJ Pu Rod blessed all by himself in a graveyard to increase the power.