Thursday, February 27, 2020

Nang Hong Prai 狠货中的好料๛阴牌派暖姐姐๛

100% Authentic

ผีบั้งนางพรายบูชาด้วยเหล้าขาวน้ำเปล่าน้ำแดงธูปเดอกเทียน2เล่มคาถาบูชาจิเจรุนิเอหิจิตตังลาภะธนังมะมะ 3

Nang Hong Prai (Lady Spirit Figurine)
** Real Rare Raw Hard materials and methods used, when u smells it yourself.

Arjarn InThong

Origin: Thailand @Trang

Release Year: 2562 (2019)

Size:  1.4 x5 cm

Quality Made: 7 pieces

This Nang Hong Prai figurine is made from bone ashes of a young pregnant casualty, mixed with her chin oil Namman Praifilled with 7-cemetery soil and “Wahn Dork Thong” the wild golden charming herb and burial cloth (cloth that covered the woman corpse) to increase the power.

Rare Ceremonies: 
Arjarn consecration of mantras and mind power in the cemetery for a total of 9 nights at Wat Kuan Naa Kae in Southern Thailand Trang. 
Arjarn properly held proper ceremony for making merits to her spirit which harmless to owners.
All Nang Hong Prai figurine was put inside a long green bamboo and nailed down into the cemetery for 7 nights to absorb the earth energy into the figurines and final night had to pull out and remove them out of the bamboo with the help of 3 ladies, first lady still having her menstruation, second lady born in deep yin and the last one must be pure and breaking up the bamboo was very difficult as the cemetery soil harden inside the bamboo which a risk in breaking the figurines.
This making process is hard and nowadays most Masters had abandon this in stated magic old book and choose easier methods of concealing.

Nang Hong Prai (Lady Spirit) is another legend in Thailand having been reputed for great spiritual power for charm, love, luck, windfall and preventing mysteries and black magic, moreover making listeners or lover become obedient and fascinated.
This Nang Hong Prai figurine bring great charm and fortune. 
All requests can be served in all respects, in terms of work, finance, love, fortune, charm, popularity, money, asking for love. 
Assist work such as night/ daytime jobs.
For some doing trade /sales when is bad can worship and pray to attract more customers. 

A good piece to own or collect, once u have it you will understand why.
You can offering her with incense sticks, flowers, liquor, perfume, accessories, eggs and food that you can find and do as much merit for her so she will be powerful.