Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Namman Prai 59 Ton

100% Authentic

Namman Prai 59 Ton
59 Spiritual Oil

Arjarn Pu-Eee

Origin: Thailand

Thai Year: 2559 (2016)

Size: bottle about 2 x 4 cm

This is famous Prai 59 Ton Oil by Arjarn PuEee manifested real power with experiences of users.
Made of Prai 59 Ton oil mixed with powerful ingredient of Arjarn Pleng Boonyuen a legendary enchanter of Thailand and other ingredients such as Phong Prai (spirit powder),
Gae Lae oil (Khmer formula), Wahn Dork Thong oil, Wahn Saney Jan oil, Phee Tai Thang Gom oil, etc.
This oil, Arjarn PuEee kindly invited Prai to help people fulfilled in love without forcing them. These Prai are good spirits who want to help people, so they don’t frighten you at all.

**For best result, read indications before using. 
Katha and Instructions for Prai 59 Ton Oil by Arjarn PuEee:
This oil is used to dab on loved one (try not to make him or her know).
Before using dab alcohol on bottle as an offering and spell:
ji - jay - ru - ni/ jit - tang/ prai - ha - sib - kao - ton/ mar - ni - mar - mar/ mae - prai - mar - mar/ aei - hi - mar - mar/ so - mar - ray - sa (x 3).
**Prohibition: Don't use for adultery and other immoral ways.
**Note: To increase Prai's power , should make merit to Prai regularly.
This way , Prai will be more powerful and help you reach your goal faster.