100% Authentic
Namman Prai 59 Ton
Arjarn Soon
Origin: Thailand @Khon Kaen
Thai Year: 2562 (2019)
Size: bottle 2 cm x 4 cm
This 59 ghost oil AJ Soon gathered powerful substances such as Namman Phee Tai Thang Gom (pregnant corpse oil), Phong Saney Ya Fead (love potion powder), Phong Prai 59 Ton (ashes of 59 people who died on Saturday and cremated on Tuesday) and charm herbs simmered all holy mass together.AJ Soon consecrated with spelt of mantra and then calls and invite many women spirits into this charming oil by magical method.
Inside of this oil hold spiritual power.
It is used by dabbing on person to make them feel loving and think of us.This oil can help you for couple if you are divorced or have separated problems.
Applicable to any gender user.
Do not use to cheat one’s love and adultery.