Wednesday, February 19, 2020

PST Namman Prai 5 Nang

100% Authentic

Namman Prai 5 Nang (5 ladies spirits Oil)

Por Naan Sala Tan

Origin: Thailand @Chiang Mai

Thai Year: 2563 (2020)

Size: width 2.3 x height 6.5 cm

This oil is made up of mystical and spiritual ingredients a sacred formula of Por Naan Sala Tan. (5 Ladies Spiritual Oil and Prai Hairs)
A consecrated Prai oil from 5 ladies who were full of love and desires that is very powerful material. 
Por Naan Sala Tan sent direct energy to this oil through his excellent conjuration. 

This 5 ladies spirit oil can impart irresistibly charming appeal to whoever carries it; good for love, negotiation, business, money and can fulfill what owner prays for.
Regularly making merit and sharing to the spirits can ensure the faster result.
Every gender can use it. 

**You can feel safe from reverse bad effects because the master held sacrifice ritual to send merit to spirits he did. 

About Guru Master: 
Por Naan Sala Tan who dress like a woman was a skilled Male guru master in Chiang Mai. 
He was very expert at Saney or charm magic, science of making Guman Thong, Namman Prai (spiritual oil) and Panneng amulet cut from forehead bone of a dead body. 
He deeply knew Northern magic, Khmer magic and Burmese magic. His fame spread in Thailand and foreign countries. Por Naan passed away in July 2557 (2014) at the the age of 95. 


已過故生父婆難等五女靈屍油,師傅當年就是取這五位女靈的靈油,而開罪了她們,所以要假扮女性過活。但同樣地五位女靈也保護師傅,開光聖物。師父取自5位在難產中死亡女性 :
1.Nang Teng Baan Yang Dteak
2.Mae Garlong Baan Pieng Kok
3.Mae Muay Chae Lii Doi Inntanon
4.Mae Wanna Baan
5.Mae Muei Baan Mae Leng

已故泰北清邁深山黑巫 Por Sala Nun Tun 是泰北相當著名的法師,擅長緬甸、泰國、柬埔寨黑法,對於人緣、桃花、招財有強大效果。擅長製作屍油、陰牌、,都使用超陰料,連房子都是由棺材所建。許多師傅都去拜訪婆難等請回他的屍油,例如古巴porn、阿贊查能、阿贊南、阿贊甘...等等。
