Thursday, January 30, 2020

Converse See Phueng Salika Wax

100% Authentic

Converse See Phueng Salika Wax

Wat SiSuPhon

Origin: Thailand @Phetchabun

Thai Year: 2559 (2016)
Size: box 3 cm diameter

LP O special made beeswax and sacred mass under LP O’s formula with "Wahn Dork Thong" charm plant added an auspicious wooden bird and pieces of charm vines to increase the power.

LP O put the special concentrated wax using LP Jun Wat Dongwai from Udon Thani province who is the magic teacher of LP O to increase the power.
This wax is very worthwhile because LP O put many well-known waxes from many legendary teachers.

The power of wax will make a user attracting, converse with anyone successfully and get love and mercy from people.

Many years ago when LP O lived in the old temple, the convert wax was very popular.
One day, the monk who lived in the same district came to ask the convert wax to give the people who came to make merit.
But because convert wax is strongly powerful, so a monk didn’t dare to give others and kept the wax for many years.
After that, that monk resigned from monkhood and came to see LP O.
He asked LP O to re-bless.
LP O didn’t do that because that man used the wax for bad purpose.
In fact, LP O emphasizes people to use his amulets in a good way or bad effects will return to the doer.