Monday, July 15, 2019

sbpn850082 Ngung Maha Thep


100% Authentic

Ngung Maha Thep

Luangpho Saen
Temple: Wat Pa Lelai

Origin: Khon Kaen @Thailand

Thai Year: 2562 (2019)

Size: width 1 cm x height 3.5 cm (only amulet)

Powerful description:
This Ngung is specially carved from charm wood and filled with Na Aok Taek powder and a piece of holy cloth to double up the power.
Na Aok Taek Powder” is the name of Yang writing powder obtained and believed to be powerful Infatuation in love. 
In ancient was said to be if somebody doesn’t see the love ones, will made his/her heart break into pieces. 

The person will misses their lover so much that their heart bursts when no seeing each other. 

LP Saen strongly blessed with white khmer magic and meditation for period of months till all ngung is alive.

LP Saen invited Phor Ngung Thep to settle in this amulet.

Charming, Relationship, Infatuation, Love Lust, Good in Sales, Business, Luck, Sex Appeal of toward opposite sex.

Please do not use with married people or who already has spouse.